

devotional for 11/10/13

We sometimes feel as though no one else in the world could possibly understand what we are going through.  We feel all alone, as though our circumstances are unique.  No one else has ever experienced exactly what we have, or in exactly the same way.  How could anyone else possibly understand the depth of what we are feeling?

There may also be times when we feel as though we have done something terribly wrong that we will never be forgiven.  How could we possibly have been so stupid?  Or how could we have possibly said such an awful thing?  What will others think of me?  Or worse yet, how could God ever forgive me for that?

The important thing to remember in times like these is that there is nothing new under the sun.  Whatever we have been through or whatever we have done has already happened to someone before and will again to others in the future.  Even if we find no one in our immediate lives that has experienced the same trials or done the same sinful things, God has seen it all and still remains true to us.  He is always there for us through it all, and forgives us no matter how bad we feel we have been or how far we may have fallen.  He always picks us up again.  If we can just remember to stop struggling and jumping out of his arms!

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.  Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NIV)

Written by
Jan Anderson

Here is a worship song for Sunday



  1. God is the same today asHhe was yesterday and will be tomorrow. So nothing under the sun is unknown to him. What a relief that we cannot surprise Him with our mistakes or our good works. He knows!

    God bless

  2. Great is thy faithfulness..

  3. Oh, good one, Jan. It's hard to think about other people going through the same circumstance(s) when all you can do is think about me, me, me. I remember David in Psalm 139 - particularly v.16: "Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in They book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them."

  4. Thank you. At some time or other, we all suffer from "ego-itis"!
