


"My purpose is that they may be 
encouraged in heart and united in love, 
so that they may have the full riches 
of complete understanding..." 
 Colossians 2:2

     One interesting fact which I have read about a number of great inventors like Salk and Edison, is that they did not consider their many trials on the way to their successful inventions or discoveries to be "failures" but rather "learning experiences."

     I doubt many of us look at life that way.  We tend to be hard on ourselves and think we have "failed" when we just need to learn from our experiences and go on from there.  We gain understanding only from experience.  There is no easy road to completing any task or job, and we do not learn from osmosis.  Life isn't that easy.

     God wants us to be encouraged by what we learn.  God doesn't expect us to stay as we are.  Neither does He expect perfection. He expects perseverance. 

     As humans we will never be perfect.  We will all spend our entire lives learning and growing.  Look at all you do the way great inventors did and the way God does.  Life is a process of learning experiences.

Written by 
Carol Stefecik

Here is a song about acceptance of yourself to listen to today!
It is called "True."

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of being a bit less self critical of myself when things I am trying to learn do not come to me in perfection. It is good to find joy in the journey.
    God bless...
