

devotional for 11/03/13

Today we celebrate All Saints Day in my church.  It is an occasion to remember all believers who have passed away in the past year.  Some people will be remembered by many for a very long time, perhaps because they touched so many lives while they were here on earth, or maybe even because they became famous for something they did.  Others may only be remembered for a very short period by only a few people.  They may not have many relatives or friends still living that had much interaction with them.  Does that matter? 

Sometimes we feel so insignificant.  We may wonder, "Why am I here?  Why do I keep trudging through this life?  What is my purpose?  I feel like just a tiny speck of dust in the whole universe of life.  What would it matter if I were no longer on earth?  My importance is minimal in the overall scheme of this world."

We are gently reminded by God that we are here because He sent us to be here, in this place, at this time.  It does not matter if our name is not known around the world or if we make no mark in history that will be remembered by many people years later.  That is not what is important.  What matters most in life is God and what HE has done for this world.  Our life simply exists to bring him glory and to bring others to him. 

But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Phillipians 1:18 (NIV)
written by Jan Andersen 

There is a song called "Do Everything" sung by Steven Curtis Chapman that talks about our day and that it matters, no matter how unimportant it may seem.  Maintaining faith and giving glory to God is what matters most!  Here is a video and  the lyrics of his song: 


  1. I just lost a high school friend a few days ago. When I read her obituary I saw that she had been involved in a lot of areas working for God and others. I think many are working for the kingdom of God...some in big ways and some in smaller ways. It is all blessed to us and to others.
    God bless...

  2. I have a new perspective on my daily life now - everything - nothing excluded - is my opportunity to bring glory to my God, the only true and living God. I haven't considered eating healthy, slowing down, enjoying the awesome Yuma foothills and the phenomenal array of colors with the rising and setting sun, that I was glorifying God. I think He is giving me a new mind set in that act of glorifying Him. Thanks, Jan!
