
My Bible...Friday


I am so blessed to have made such a wonderful investment in the purchase of my Bible.  I go to it in times of sorrow, joy, fear, frustration, love, gratitude, discouragement, etc.  Between the covers of this most amazing book I find answers to all the struggles that present themselves in my life.  I also have a traveling Bible that I keep at work, as suggested by a sister in Christ, after having a meltdown at Bible Study when I shared about my work situation.

I am currently in a position that challenges me every single day.  Part of it is me just feeling stuck, the other part of the battle is the office dynamics and personalities.   It is a small office and it is nearly impossible to have privacy during these eight hour days.  So, with that I carry around a miserable existence at work.

Being the stubborn Irish girl that I can be at times, I forget that I don't have the solution to my problem.  So basically, I have not been living my life, I have been going through the motions of living, feeling sorry for myself, thinking that I will just be unhappy for the rest of my working years. I have pretty much given up on myself.  I can only see myself working in a position of passionless blah forever!  Suddenly, one day I pull myself out of the pity party long enough to realized that I need to listen to God, to turn my life over to God, to read His word.  In doing so, the Lord put my hands on these scriptures:

Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.  
Galatians 6:8-10
New International Version (NIV)

Isn't it glorious that God never gives up on me, even when I forget to turn to Him and His word?  At the same time, I can't give up on myself.  I need to follow His guidance, listen, read, pray, work on myself to reach the place that the Lord wants me to be.  He wants me to be happy, to live a life filled with passion in all that I do, during work and play!  These scriptures in Galatians also remind me that I must be a witness to these unbelievers.  I must continue to pray for them, as one of my biggest issues is seeing the fakeness, gossip and behind the back talking amongst some people.

I love how my days are so much better now that I am walking as I should be.  My work days are positive and productive.  Oh yes, still a challenge at times, but I have the power, now that I remember AND know that the Lord's got my back, to move onward and upward to find my endless supply of opportunities and allow myself to live a life passionately fulfilling for the Lord and myself.  In doing so there is a daily smile on my face and a sparkle in my eye.

My life can be so much more peaceful when I open my eyes and heart to the word of the Lord.  I am so very grateful AND so very blessed!

"And my God will meet all your needs 
according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." 
Philippians 4:19

New International Version (NIV)


Written by 
Kelly Dobyns

Here is a song for today...it is "Don't Give Up" by Shawn McDonald



  1. The Bible is our menu and guide to life. Discovering thisand using the wisdom contained within leads us to have more confidence in our choices in life.

    God bless...

    1. Thank you, Miss Corinne for giving me this amazing opportunity. For seeing something in me that would help me, but mostly that will help me to minister and be a blessing to others. :-)

  2. Let your light shine Kelly..you are an amazing servant of The Most High..

    1. Thank you so much!! I am so blessed by your comment!! Praise the Lord! And you have a beautifully amazing day! :-))

  3. Welcome Aboard, Kelly and High Five to your testimony! How refreshing to hear your heart beating in rhythm with the Lord! You have done as the Lord told Moses: take off the sandals from your feet (representing the world) for the ground you are standing on is holy ground.( Ex.3:5). You have reminded me that we are stepping into the holy footsteps of our Lord with every step we take and His stride is never too short or too long to keep pace with Him, as He in us, is going about His Father's business, we simply follow. Thank you for your heart's words.

    1. Thank you so very much, Sandy!! Your words have blessed me so much!! I am so very grateful to be part of this group. My heart is just glowing today!! Loves and hugs!! :-))

  4. Weclome aboard, Kelly and thank you for your testimony! You have refreshed me with the picture of the Lord speaking to Moses in Ex. 3:5 - "--remove the sandals (representing the world),from your feet , for the place on which you are standing is hold ground." I forget that our Lord's feet were/are holy and His stride is never too short nor too long for me/us to easily step into as He goes about His Father's business in and through us. Amazing Grace! He so loves to walk and talk with us - I regret that too often I've ignored or not taken the time, to reciprocate my love in the same manner - "but God" - my favorite phrase in scripture - knows me and loves me so much that He puts His arm around me, smiling, and gives me a hug of understanding. Blessed by the name of the Lord.

    1. Hello Sandy!! Thanks so much again!!! I totally am with you on your statement of regret for ignoring or not taken the time to reciprocate my love to Him. But, truly, He knows our heart and knows that we are a work in progress! :-) So we are always improving with the reminders from you and others to keep on the path! I am so very very blessed today. XOXO Kelly
