
YOUR NAME...Saturday


"I will not forget you! 
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands." 
Isaiah 49:15b, 16a

     Think about your name for a minute.  It really is the essence of who you are.  Your parents thought about it for a while before you were born and named you what they did for a reason -- a family name, or they just liked it, something more unusual, whatever.  When people say your name they know something about who you are and what you stand for, maybe your likes and dislikes, what motivates you, and other attributes.

     Think about the above Bible passage.  It reveals an amazing truth.  Not only does God know each of us by name, but He thinks you are so important to not forget that He has engraved you on the palms of His almighty hands.  Wow!

     Think about how important your name is and how you should live to honor it.  Once you do something on earth to sully your reputation, you can never get your good name back.

     Think about the fact that you and I are sinners, alienated from God, and yet He knows our names and will not forget us.  Jesus Christ is the proof positive of this.  He died for our sins and rose from the dead to ascend to heaven to prepare a place for us.  If we believe in Him we are clothed in His righteousness.  Now God the Father has us forever in His hands.  God knows your name.

Written by 
Carol Steficek

Here is a song for today about the greatest name there is, "Your Name"


  1. Our name is important because it reflects our essence. It is who we are. The name above all names is who we revere and worship. Blessed be His name.

    God bless

  2. Carol, I love this! Very therapeutic in quite a few ways for me. One being that I went thru a period of not liking my name. I love that you added that my parents chose that name for me, part of their reason was to have a "K" name, as I have two older sisters that begin with the letter K, which has prompted many conversations over the years. I am grateful for that. And now, my oldest son is dating a wonderful young lady with all of her sister's names beginning with K, and I feel that is just absolutely wonderful and very fun!!

    Now for the icky part.....I have done many things to give my name a bad name, but, is it not such an amazing blessing that God knows my name, knows my reputation, and with all that still loves me. I am very very fortunate that God didn't scratch my name off those almighty palms, even with Him knowing the details of all those sins that I have committed. Praise the Lord!!

  3. When I think of the palms of His hands, I think of the nail marks of crucifixion, which he endured because of me and every other person - those nail prints are the engraving of our names on his hands!
