
"For Unto us a Child is Born"...Thursday


For unto us 
a child is born; 
unto us a son is given; 
and the government shall 
be upon his shoulders.  
These shall be 
his royal titles: 
"Wonderful, Counselor," 
"The Mighty God," 
"The Everlasting Father,"
 "The Prince of Peace." 
Is 9:6

The word "wonderful" means to excite amazement, wonder and admiration. Our Jesus makes our life wonderful.  In ancient Israel a Counselor was portrayed as a wise king, such as Solomon giving guidance to his people. In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Col 2:3.
"The Mighty God" the one with the unlimited power.  The unlimited power that lives within you.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13.

 "Everlasting" means to  continue forever.  How comforting to know that our God, our Jesus and the Holy Ghost will be with us forever.

"The Prince of Peace" is the spiritual harmony that was brought to us by reiteration with God. We have been restored to the Kingdom of God by this little babe born over 2000 years ago. We have the peace of God that passes all understanding living within us. Phil. 4:7  

What a great and marvelous gift we have been given. 

These four names Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father and The Prince of Peace describe our Jesus, our Messiah.

by Kathryn Hanson

1 comment:

  1. My prayer is that all the feelings of love and support we have felt during this season will be a part of all we are and all we do everyday of the coming months.
