
"Jesus Love Always Wins"...Wednesday


To our readers 
God bless you mightily

The Writing Staff

Women's Focus Ministries


What a beautiful time of the year that we as God's people can share the love of Jesus in an even more prevalent way! There tends to be a lot more freedom to openly share God's love, for people all around us are preparing and celebrating Christmas. And what a better way to share that gift of love that Jesus is for us by giving gifts and spreading His love.

As we give those gifts, we can joyfully remind others 
that Jesus is a gift to us and He so desires us to 
receive Him into our lives. 

That gift is the gift of salvation 
along with so much more that 
He has made available to us.

God's love letter tells us in 1 Peter 4:8 "And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins." Regardless where a person is coming from in their life, you can be assured as you purely love them as Jesus does, His love will win out every time! Now that is the kind of love I am talking about.... for you know that Jesus Love will always win above everything else!

In His Bountiful Love, 
Sandy Billingham

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