
"God Is For Us!"...Wednesday

I became somewhat upset when I recently saw a friend had posted on her Facebook some very negative words about a nationally known pastor. Some righteous indignation rose up in me strong! I proceeded to share with her that he may not be perfect, but he loves the Lord and is used powerfully for Him. I also proceeded to let her know how important it is to pray for our brother in Christ and to build him up and not tear him down. To no avail did she receive from me, but continued to rant and rave on how she felt about his ministry.
As I thought about that again, I was reminded of this scripture...

"What then shall we say to these things? 
If God is for us, who can be against us?" 
Romans 8:31

No matter what others may say about us or our brothers and sisters in Christ, we can have that blessed assurance God is for us all the time.
The Lord is constantly affirming us and shining down on us and speaking words of life to us. He sees us as Champions and is cheering us on to the final round!
Nothing can defeat me as long as I keep in the forefront of my mind how our God is genuinely for us.  When the forces of Hell try to bring me down low I will declare with great boldness, " God is on my side!" And there is no one that even compares with my God!
In His Love, 
Sandy Billingham

Today's song is  God Will Make a Way


1 comment:

  1. Yes He does make a way for us because God is for us...with the guarantee that if he is for us that none can be against us; Thank you Sandy for pointing this out to us.

    God bless...
