
Confidently Trusting God...Thursday


But you, God, shield me on all sides; You ground my feet, 
you lift my head high; With all my might I shout up to God, 
His answers thunder from the holy mountain.  
I stretch myself out.  I sleep.  Then I'm up again--rested, 
tall and steady, Fearless before the enemy mobs coming at me from all sides.  
Real help comes from God.  Your blessings clothes your people.
Psalm 3:3-6 & 8 Msg.

You can overcome fear by trusting God for his protection in your darkest hour.  When everything seems to go against you God is still for you.  If circumstances have turned against you, don't blame God seek Him - run to Him - praise Him.  You already have the victory.  You my beloved have already won!!  

When You pray you must know that He hears you.  Be assured of your answered prayer. You can pour out your heart to God and know that He still loves you.  Cry out to the Lord; He hears you!!  He provides sweet sleep for His children.  You CAN find rest in Him!  

Thank you Lord that your blessings are on your children.


Here is a song for Thursday...

                     "Trust His Heart"

1 comment:

  1. I really like the concept here Kathryn. You can trust God no matter what you can see. When things are not going well you can still know that you have already won.

    God bless...
