
God’s Subtle Little Knocks,,,Friday


Those of you that read my last weeks devotional will know that I have been feeling down, useless, bored, fat and forgotten by God, so basically very discouraged and struggling with getting back some joy.  Isn't it fancy that God gives us tidbits of love to knock us upside the head when he has had enough of the wallowing in self-pity?  This was my day on Wednesday of this week.

The first thing I do upon waking is read my Proverb of the Day…..

Proverbs 14:30 
“A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.”  

I think to myself, hmmmm perhaps that is why I have osteopenia at age 52.  I have spent a day or two being envious.  Then I pick up “The Word for You Today”, 

Matthew 11:29 
“Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.” 

 Hmmmm again, I have certainly not been watching to see how it is done or walking in the right direction.  I actually believe that I have been walking in the opposite direction of the Lord and certainly not doing anything “Jesus like”.

Once at work, I have an email from a friend that works in the building that needed a notarization done.  This friend and I had disconnected over the past year due to myself getting caught up in drama talk from a mutual friend.  Probably also contributed to some rotting bones.  We chatted briefly sharing our current challenges and then took care of the document notarization.  I get back to my desk and check my email, I have an email from her saying that for two weeks her inbox had been saying that she had one unread email….she had not been able to find it.  It was driving her crazy and she found it when she got back to her desk.  This is what she wrote to me as she forwarded the email.  GOD IS AMAZING!  I’m here for you my sister-in-Christ.  Love you Kelly…..Today, we believe God wants you to know that you’ve got what it takes.  God won’t give you more than you can handle.  Although there may have been times you thought the world was caving in on you, you got through it.  You are much stronger than you can imagine.  So charge ahead, you can handle it.

Well, God knew that was not enough for my stubborn self, so I picked up my copy of “Jesus Calling” to read for today.  STRIVE TO TRUST ME in more and more areas of your life.  Instead of running away from these challenges, embrace them, eager to gain all the blessings I have hidden in the difficulties.  Start at the present moment – accepting things exactly as they are – and search for MY way in the midst of these circumstances.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I love it when God Paints Himself Into My Day to show me how much he loves me and to oh so gently remind me that He is always right here with me.  Clearly I don’t always feel His first knock……Isn’t it oh so glorious that he gives us such mercy and continues to bless us with his amazing grace.

 Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father
 and from Jesus Christ,the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.
 2 John 1:3

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

Here is today's song...            

    "God Be Merciful To Me"                 (Psalm 51)                by Jars of Clay

1 comment:

  1. Interesting and thoughtful, Kelly. Lots to think about here.

    Love and God bless..
