


"One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: 
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life." 
Psalm 27:4

     One of the things we all need to focus on in the New Year of 2014 is setting priorities.  If you are like me, the daily demands of life pull me every which way and life seems to dash by.  It's already the second week in January, the decorations are put away for another year, and I'm "back to normal" -- whatever that means.

     Be sure to focus on some important things this year and don't push them into the background by the urgencies of the day.  Here are just a few: take time to read your Bible daily and pray, worship weekly, commune often, spend time with your family, walk your dog, play with your cat, do something every day that you like and will give you renewed energy.

     God gives us 24 hours every day.  No one has more or less.  It is important that at the end of the day you don't wallow in regrets of what you should have done.  Keep focused on God and He will direct your steps, complete your plans according to His will, and help you to lead a godly life in service to Him and others.
Let God be your main priority!

Written by
Carol Steficek

Here is a song for this devotional....Relient K- Getting Into You (lyrics)


  1. Our priorities are very important. God IS our most important priority.

    God bless...

  2. I love this and such a great reminder as well as support to me and what I have been feeling/hearing God speak to me about. Slow down, de-clutter and appreciate the life God has given me. :-)
