
All Things Good...Friday

3/ 13/14 

The following scripture is the “Verse of the Day” on the Bible Gateway webpage today.  I chose this to be my topic of my devotional for this week, because, being completely honest, I have not been able to focus long enough or even have a couple of hours to sit and write as I normally do, (I am the office manager at a CPA firm), but I refuse to give up my weekly writing even through the long six day weeks.  So, I told myself that I would find inspiration in the “Verse of the Day”.  So here I go…..

And we know that in all things 
God works for the good of those who love him, 
who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28
New International Version

This actually is a bit of a complex verse in some ways, and confusing to some.  I think that comes into play due to the way our brains work, or how we interpret things in our thinking.  There are people that can only see things in “black or white”, no grey areas.  I myself can tend to be that way on some things, however hard I try not to.  But, on other topics I totally embrace the grey areas.  Maybe that is due to the day I have had or how I am feeling, not sure about that goofiness of my brain, however, I am going to accept it.

So perhaps the black and white thinkers see this scripture as saying that God only does good things or good comes out of even bad things, or maybe if you are a follower of Jesus only good things will happen in your life.

I believe this scripture is telling us that God is in every event in our lives…He is with us through every moment.  No, this life’s entire journey is not going to be fun and happy and beautiful.  After all, we are spending this part of our lives with lots and lots of humans that the enemy has gotten ahold of.  And, what I do know to be a complete fact is that God is here ready to take back these sinners, just as he has taken me back.  Through every day of my entire life God has been there for me.  He has taken every event of my life and knit them together to make the results the best that could possibly be for me.  My part of this is to remember to PUT God first in my life everyday; to stand strong in the fact that I am working for Him and with Him to create the good out of each and every moment.  With God in the drivers seat this roller coaster ride of my life will most certainly have a much happier outlook, and those parts that scare me…..well they will be a lot more secure with me holding on to the Lord!  Amen!!

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

Here is the song for today..."God With Us" sung by Mercy Me

1 comment:

  1. Who are we indeed? The whole concept of God with us actually boggles the mind. Good scripture to meditate on.

    God bless...
