


"Compassion is a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another
who is stricken by misfortune accompanied by a strong desire
 to alleviate the suffering."

"Dear children,
 let us not love with words or tongue
 but with actions and in truth"
1st John 3:18

I want to share with you a special moment that I had on my recent mission trip to Popoyo, Nicaragua.  Sunday afternoon I had the privilege to go to a church full of children.  After service we had the opportunity to pray for many of them.  When asked what we could pray specifically for them  almost all of them asked for prayer for others in their family.  None of them asked for anything for themselves..  Myself and one of my students were drawn to one particular beautiful little girl about 7 or 8.  I was compelled to wrap my arms around her and when I did this little one began to sob in my arms.  I became so over whelmed with such love and compassion for this child that I began to sob with here.  I felt in my spirit that Father God was shedding His tears through me for this little one.  We cried a fountain of tears.  When she stopped crying and I released her from my arms and found she was smiling from ear to ear.  The Father of love showed her such love and compassion through this hug that it brought such joy to His little girl. 

I later found out this child was from a family of witches and she was not wanted by them.

There is no where on this earth that Father God can not reach you.  Our God will send someone from one end of the world to the other to get to you whatever you need.  He sent me to that precious little girl to show His love for her.  Let me tell you He will do the same for you.

Written by 
Kathryn Hanson

The song for today is "So Close" by Hillsong

1 comment:

  1. Any time a person can come alongside a stricken person and show them love is a time when she is doing the work of God plain and simple. This was a beautiful story, Kathryn!

    God bless...
