
“Attitude Of Jesus Is The Best Way" ...Wednesday


We have all heard the saying that "your attitude will determine your altitude." That has been proven over and over for decades to be true. Studies show in different businesses the number one reason customers leave is because of issues with employees regarding how they are treated. That most definitely speaks volumes and should get any bosses attention!

Our attitude determines many things in our life. The success of our families, our jobs, new opportunities, our relationships outside of our families and the list goes on and on. So much of our outcome of our life evolves around how we view life and people entailing different situations and circumstances.

As believers, we should let our gentleness be evident to all. In other words even in times when we know we are right, we should approach it with gentleness or another word graceful reasonableness. If we rise up as arrogant and prideful people that is enough to scare anyone off and can give people a skewed view of Christianity.

God's word tells us... 

"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." 
Philippians 2:5 

Jesus is our number one role model on the kind of attitude we should walk in daily. He is our major example on what a healthy attitude should be like.

Years ago when I taught Children's Church, from time to time if we would see kids moving in a bad direction, we would blow a whistle and shout out "attitude check." That would get the children's attention quickly and they knew it was time to get back in line. That can be a good meter for each of us when we feel like we are getting off track by saying to ourselves "attitude check." Godly alignment is sure to happen and we can face life grinning with a smile from ear to ear!

In the Attitude of Christ Jesus, 
Sandy Billingham

Today's song is "Be Strong"

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