
Be Still...Friday

March 28, 2014 

In my reading of “Jesus Calling” today, the following was the first sentence, “Be still in my presence even though countless tasks clamor for your attention.”  I read that as I sat down to wait to be called at the Urgent Care Center. I stopped by there to see a doctor due to having an anxiety attack; funny, huh?  Boy, did I need to read that!   The next line is, “Nothing is as important as spending time with me”.

I am an office manager at a tax office.  This is my ninth tax season and I have never had an anxiety attack…..very stressed yes, very angry, hurt and crying spells yes, but, never to the point of a true panic/anxiety meltdown.  I know that I have been spread very thin, as is the norm for this season of each year.  At the beginning of this tax season I had told myself that I was not going to put the rest of my life on hold this year, as I normally do, and forget to pay bills, etc.   However, what I have neglected this tax season is the most important of all.  My loving and faithful God!   I have not made Him a priority.  I have told myself that I was still keeping Him in my life, as I was doing my service at church, but, the reality is that I was not keeping my commitment to my quiet time, my reading and my stillness of listening for the oh so wonderful voice of my precious Father helping me through the long hours. Also I have not been allowing Him to carry me through the murky unpleasantness of tax preparation that unfortunately has to be done whilst on this earth.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, 
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 
Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—
His good, pleasing and perfect will. 

Romans 12:2

I have let my little mind be so cluttered up with the pleasing of all the clients, making my job such a priority, which yes, of course it needs to be, but, I got to the point of being diseased by the stress of wanting to be perfect without looking to the only perfect source for assistance.  I had to get in a state of illness to be put in my spot and reminded that He is always there, just waiting for me to look up.  My afternoon was so much better after being still and listening for my “Jesus Calling”.

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

The song for today is My God sung by Jeremy Camp

1 comment:

  1. I also read that reading this morning. In the midst of a busy life I often find it hard to just relax and think about God. Today I did sit still for a while and I feel that God told me that it is okay to work for Him, but he would rather I work with Him. I realized that there is a difference.
