


"You will seek me and find me
when you seek me with all your heart." 
~Jeremiah 29:13~

     What is the desire of your hear?  Do you want to be famous like some Hollywood star?  An outstanding athlete whom everyone recognizes?  Rich beyond measure?
     All of the above are goals which, even after they are attained, are temporary and fleeting.  Life goes by very quickly.  We get older every day we get out of bed.  Unexpected and unpleasant things happen to all of us.
     Jesus wants to be your heart's desire.  He wants to be the one you look for and look to for everything in life.  He wants to fill your life with His amazing presence now.  He wants to walk with you every minute of every day. He wants to provide for all of your needs and desires.  He wants to bring you safely to your eternal home which He has prepared for you.
     How do you find Jesus?  Open His Word and seek Him.  Pray continually and find Him waiting for you.  Make Jesus your heart's desire.

Written by
Carol Steficek

Today's song is sung by Kim Walker Smith..."You Are My Heart's Desire

1 comment:

  1. I especially liked your paragraph about waking with Jesus. Sometimes we get so bogged down that we don't stop to do this. It is good to remember.

    God bless...
