
GOD IS ABLE...Saturday

"...in accordance with the riches of God's grace..."
Ephesians 1:7

The first chapter of Ephesians lists a number of spiritual blessings we receive in Christ Jesus -- redemption, forgiveness, wisdom, and understanding to just name a few.

     Basically, because of Jesus, the Father is able to give us everything that we could possibly need in this life and the next.  We have at our disposal, as children of God and heirs of the Kingdom through Christ, the vast power of the universe in our God.

     There is nothing He will not do for us or give us.  He said to ask, seek, and find.  He said to knock and it will be opened.  He said that all things are possible to the person who has faith in Jesus.

     Many Christians live powerless lives, lives of poverty in finances and spiritual matters, poor health, joyless days of depression and loneliness.  God's grace is sufficient to met all of our wants and needs in His unconditional love.  We just need to realized that God is able.

Written by
Carol Steficek

Here is the song for today..."God is Able" sung by the Planetshakers

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing God cannot do when we believe in His unparalleled ability.
    He is able.

    God bless
