
I Am Who I Am Because…Friday


The Lord God created me to be just exactly who I am.  And He does not make mistake.

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together 
in my mother’s womb.

Psalm 139:13


Knowing this just makes my heart smile, The Father of all creation also took the time to create me, simple, humble, insignificant little me.  But, the reality is that I am not that insignificant.  My father had a great purpose for creating me just the way I am.
 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Matthew 10:30


God has taken so much time and special attention to mold me just as he wanted, even enough to count every hair on my head.  Now tell me that is not love.
I am finally learning to KNOW that fact.  I have spent so many years feeling like something was wrong with me.  I am not good enough.  I have failed.  The reality is that I have not done any of those things.  I have been exactly who God wanted me to be.  My role in all of that is living my life on earth AS that person He created.  No more putting God’s work down.  No more insulting Him with my low self-esteem of ME!  No more negative self-talk of how I have failed.  Yes, I have made choices that didn’t have the results that I hoped for, but, I am here to accept God’s will for me and not my big plan of a perfect little life.  I have raised too wonderful sons to become responsible young men of integrity with huge hearts.  I have never questioned God with His creation of them.  Why have I wasted so much time questioning myself being created by that same precious God?  No more of that for me.  I am spending the rest of my life on earth living the life that God wanted for me in being the person He created.  Wow what a load off that is!  I am me because God wanted me to be me, and I am filled with joy about that!  Praise the Lord!

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

Psalm 139:14


Written by

Kelly Dobyns 


Today's song is..."I Am His Daughter" Sung by Nicole Sheahan




I Am His Daughter Lyrics

The photos in the magazines
Don't dictate who I'm supposed to be
The world can't recognize, all that I am inside
But I know in His eyes, I am a part of, the bigger picture,

There's so much more to me
He helps me see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am,
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter.

The people on the TV screen,
The leaders, rulers, and queens
I watch them shape the world,
And though I'm just a girl, I still know for sure,
That I am a part of, the bigger picture

There's so much more to me
He helps me see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am,
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter

And when I'm feeling small,
And wondering if I'll ever, find courage to stand tall
Through His love I remember

There's so much more to me
He helps me to see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter

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