
"Chillin' With Our Lord"...Wednesday


There is no better place in the whole world than to spend time with our Precious Lord. After all, when we are in Heaven, it will be eternal with Him, so why not get used to spending good times with the Lord now.

I yearn and love to be in His presence and just rest in His wonderful peace and love. When I spend time with Jesus, He melts all my cares and worries and stress away, and it is just Him and I together. He gives me great assurance that He will take care of me all the days of my life.

The beauty of living for Christ is that we can come and sit with Him any time we want. There is no appointment to be made and we are never put on hold... He is there for us every second, minute and hour of the day.

He tells me in His Word in 

Hebrews 10:19-20 

"Having, therefore, brethren,
 boldness to enter into the holies 
by the blood of Jesus.. 
By a new and living way, 
which He hath consecrated for us, 
through the veil, that is to say, His flesh."

We can have great boldness and confidence in entering into His presence by the blood of Jesus. He made a way for us to have access to Him continuously. And He well worth Chillin' with all the days of my life!

In His Rich Love, 
Sandy Billingham

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