
"Trust in the Lord"...Thursday


I trust in Your unfailing love.  
I will rejoice because You have rescued me.  
I will sing to the Lord because He has been so good to me.  
Psalm 13:5-6.

The only hard part in letting God handle your problems is dealing with fear that He won't because of unbelief.  Put your trust in Him and let your burdens be light. While it is easy to believe that He can, the words "if he wants to." always slide into your mind and results in uncertainty that he WILL.

We have all lived through times when we do not feel that our problems are being taken care of in spite of how much we pray for God's help. We also see other people who do not seem to receive what they are praying for. One person survives cancer, while another succumbs. Both are praying and being prayed for. God reminds us that He is God and we are not...we cannot even hope to understand the things that He does.

At times in 20/20 hindsight we can see why we did not get what we prayed for. We see from the history of the request that God had something better for us. At other times we try to figure it out and cannot understand why our prayers seemed to go unanswered.

The bottom line is found in the scripture above. We must trust in His unfailing love and know that He has been good to us. 

This is a key point and we should believe this fact.                                  
                                        It pleases the Father to help his children.

Written by 
Kathryn Hansen  

Today's song is performed by Chris Tomlin..."Sovereign" 


  1. Probably the prayer we pray should be for 20/20 foresight. In all things it is important to trust in God's love for us and His desire as a Father to help His children.

    God bless...

  2. praise God that it is His will that all receive their healing. all sickness and disease was put on the cross over 2000 years ago what a mighty good God we serve.

  3. Sometimes I have a flash of understanding that God does not see our illness as a problem to solve. He may just be using it to bring us closer to Him; and to one another. Even those who appear to be alone may have a stranger across the ocean pray for them through the Holy Spirit. So our prayer for a dear friend may cover someone we will not see in this life,but will share eternity with.
