


I am on the verge of a meltdown today.  It came upon me suddenly, and I have really struggled with what has caused it.  I made it through my crazy and difficult time at work; I had four days off to rest away from work.  And I thought that I was going to have a smooth re-entry into the post season.  It has now dawned on me that apparently that is not the case.  I have been focusing on getting healthy physically, but, now my mental state is hollering that I have been neglecting it.

In reality I haven’t had enough time to do much of any focusing or pampering of myself in any way.  It has only been about ten days.  I am still catching up at work, and the bottom line about work is that I am not happy there.  I have been trying to act like I am, but, it is hard to live in a fake world, both from the outside and me being fake by trying to be happy.

I was about to cancel my writing for this week when I found this scripture:

Don’t envy evil men 
but continue to reverence the Lord all the time, 
for surely you have a wonderful
 future ahead of you. 
There is hope for you yet!
Proverbs 23:17-18

And this is what I need to get me through today….and everyday.  However, I especially needed to read that today, as I was feeling so hopeless and stuck.  Envious of others and how their lives seem easier and are able make changes in jobs, or other things because they have a spouse that can support them through a change.  What I need to remember is that I can do changes; I just need to keep my God in the spouse spot as well as the God spot.  When I keep my hope in Him, there is hope for me.

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

Today's song is "Pour Out" performed by Shawn McDonald 


  1. Some of the real hope here is that God provided you with just the right scripture needed for you move forward and not give up. That is the kind of thing that God does...He gives what is needed in perfect timing.

    God bless...

    1. He sure did Corinne!! And I am in love with the fact that He did. A constant reminder that we are always always always in his arms. xoxo

  2. Thank you for being so real. Your writing blessed me.

    1. Thank you for reading my devotional. I am blessed so much that it has blessed you, especially after not even wanting to write it because I was feeling so down and discouraged. Praise the Lord! Love and hugs, Kelly

  3. I have gone through days when the thought of walking into my workplace made me start to cry. Each time I told the Lord that I could not keep working under those conditions, and prayed for Him to move me or change things; the primary source of my stress was removed. The me I am today is able to turn to God first, so my stress buttons are smaller - and much harder for others to push! I will be praying for you...

    1. Thank you so much my beautiful Lynda. I needed your positive suggestions and reminders to continue to pray pray pray! xoxo
