


"Instead, speaking the truth in love, 
we will in all things grow up into him 
who is the Head, that is Christ." 
 Ephesians 4:15

     God is looking for consistency in our lives.  Baptism is not a free ticket into heaven with no faith in Jesus.  Confirmation is not graduation from having to study the word of God on a daily basis.  Worshipping on Sunday and saying the Lord's Prayer one time a week does not foster growth.
   Probably the best example of people displaying consistency are athletes training for the Olympics.  Without fail they go through routines and conditioning day after day after day, whether they feel like  doing it or not.  They do not accomplish their ultimate goal by on-and-off discipline.

     There also is no middle ground for the Christian.  Every day, by what we practice, we are either growing closer to God in our relationship with Him or we are drifting farther away from Him.  What we choose is accomplished by consistency.

     God is not looking for perfection in any of us.  We still sin every day.  We don't always accomplish what we need to.  He is, however, looking for consistency in our walk with Him.  As a plant takes root and springs up by the gardener consistently watering and caring for it, so too, we grow up into God an bear fruit with our consistency.  Consistency is a choice we make.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. The concept of consistency is a good one in all areas where we are trying to accomplish something or show dedication. In our Relationship with God we need to show consistancy in our behavior, prayer and worship, and behavior.

    God bless
