

April 4, 2014 

My search for scriptures of God bringing peace led me to the following.  Exactly what I needed to read!  I have written this out and put it in my calendar to read each day as often as I need from now until the 15th of April….and beyond, of course.  J 

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
With the crazy business of this tax season for me, I have lost all peacefulness, and I am now to the point of just plain exhaustion.  I do feel and see the end in sight; however, at the same time I am feeling very impatient and grumpy with just wanting the deadline to be here.

The really good thing about this job and this time of my life is that I am now able to see that I may not be able to continue it until I retire.  During the last two months I have taken some notes to myself'. My focus, once my life is back at a normal pace, will be on reflecting, writing and doing a whole lot of praying about where I would like my life to lead.  There are oh so many things that I want to change, and I do know now that it is possible for me to do that.  Nothing is impossible when I have God on my side.  I just need to make myself a priority and follow my Father’s guidance as to where He is leading me. 

 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

Written by 
Kelly Dobyns


  1. Sometimes we just need to slow down and give ourselves some quiet. I saw another quote as I looked for a graphic that said something to the effect that we should not look outside ourselves but within ourselves for peace. I think that is a valid idea as long as we look at it from a magnifying glass that God is holding over the search area.

    God bless....

  2. Thank you, Kelly. The pressure and pace would be overwhelming without His peace.
