
Only What Is Done For Christ Will Last...Thursday


I looked into the archives to find a post for tonight. Our usual Thursday writer is unable to send a new writing tonight. As I looked I found this writing that was posted in our very early days...2012. Because of what I wrote about the day I spent today, I saw this writing and realized that it is speaking to what was asked of Amie and I today. I will post my comments below.

Only What Is Done For Christ Will Last

A thought has been coming to me of late. It is that, "only what is done for Christ will last." As we see the signs of the present age and realize that the Lord's return could be very soon, it is good to remember that His agenda should be our agenda. It is so easy to be caught up in the cares of this world, especially as the holidays approach. My prayer is that my time will be spent tending to the Lord's business and that I will obey His promptings to do His bidding. The Holy Spirit may ask us to pray for someone at a specific moment, send a "thinking of you" card to a lonely heart, take a meal to someone who is home-bound, or volunteer to help at church or a charity. As we do these things prayerfully and in the name of our Lord Jesus, we will be seeding into eternity.

Written by 
Cathy Friberg

Today's song is "Lord I Want To Serve You"

Here is what I wrote about my day today...

Good morning friends...

Wednesday was am amazing day for me...a true example of the words, "Man proposes and God disposes." Well, I had not proposed much, but I had planned to go to a meeting and meet a friend for lunch. Then ring a ding and the whole day changes. A woman I had met once about four years ago when she had found the website for our church and found that Celebration had a writing group. She was here from her home in Alaska for some medical treatments. A few of us had gotten together for lunch. We had had sporadic communication after that. Four plus years she has a family emergency in the Bay Area and needed someone in near here to help her out with some issues of her adult daughter. She ended up calling Amie and then Amie called me. We agreed to go and talk to the young woman for the woman we had met years before. We headed for Oakland were we were told she was staying. She was not in her hotel room so we settled down to wait for her out in the Suburban. In the meantime we saw a man push his wife (they were in their 60's) out of the car and drag her and then try to hit her again before he drove away. We stayed with a couple of other people and waited for an ambulance to arrive. Her foot and her forehead were bleeding. We did try to help her to be comfortable as we waited and prayed for her. Then we talked to Alaska and the process was ongoing for a couple of hours. We were wondering what was the plan in all of this. Then we found out that the girl had had a business meeting in Concord so off we went in a cloud of dust so to speak.  We met her at McDonald's and talked with her for a couple of hours. She talked about her life and what she was going through and what her issues were. Her mom had some misconceptions, but it was good that she called us. We listened and counseled when we had some insight sharing Christian concepts. She listened and was receptive, and at times she cried. When we were done talking we took her out to the car, sat in the back seat and prayed with and for her. Our understanding of the day went from, "what was this all about" to "now I understand!" I feel that God used us to speak into the Mon's life as well as into her daughter's life. We plan to keep in touch with them...especially the daughter in the future to encourage her and share God's enlightenment with her. Something like this has never been asked of me by God before. Now I know what it means first hand what it means to be used by God, and I am humbled and blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I am honored to have been called on to serve the Lord today. I came away with the feeling that what we did in bring God into the situation did make a difference.

    God bless...
