
"Spiritual Muscle Strengthening"...Wednesday

Our God is such a wonderful Father who truly takes care of His children. His knows us inside out and nothing gets past Him in our life. He knows exactly what needs to happen to bring us closer to Him and to help us grow in Him.
I am walking through various trials right now and trusting God every step of the way for tremendous victory. I am believing by faith He is working powerfully in each circumstance and that my answers are coming in His timing.
As I walk through this time the Lord is doing beautiful things in my life. He is giving me greater endurance, steadfastness, spiritual maturity and patience. As I continue to draw upon His word and strength, He is increasing my relationship with Him and bringing me to a stronger degree of completeness with Him.
James 1:3 seems to sum it up well. It says 
"Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance."

In other words the Lord is doing a super spiritual muscle strengthening which is not easy at the time but brings much joy and contentment during this time. The end result is well worth the wait!!
In His Faith, 
Sandy Billingham

Katy Perry sings today's song, "Faith Won't Fail"

1 comment:

  1. When we are tested and run the race in faith we learn new lessons and we are strengthened. I liked this Sandy.

    God bless...
