
"God Has The Perfect Plan"...Wednesday


We, as God's people, do not always know what our plans will be, but we can be confident God knows, and that His plans will always prevail. I was very intrigued by the scripture in Isaiah 14:24 where it says ...

"The Lord Almighty has sworn, 
'Surely, as I have planned, so it will be,
 and as I have purposed, so it will happen.' " 

I realize He is referring to some other things in this passage but strongly believe we can apply this to our life as well.
God knows the plans that He has for us. He sees the bigger picture and knows what needs to happen for His plans to flourish in our life. He will see to it that what He wants for our life will come to pass, if we will but trust in Him completely.
We serve a beautiful and wonderful God that holds our life in the very palm of His hand. Nothing gets past our God. I choose to rest in Christ and let Him have His perfect way in me. There is honestly no better way.
In His Perfect Plan,  
Sandy Billingham

Chris Tomlin...The God of Angel Armies

1 comment:

  1. The fact that we never loose His attention means that He can and will speak into our lives. He proposes it, and we are the beneficiaries. Good thought, Sandy.

    God bless
