
Everyone Has a Story...Tuesday


If we are honest, we would have to admit that at some point in our lives we have wrongly judged someone. Perhaps we have seen a homeless man on the streets and assumed he became homeless due to drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Maybe we noticed an overweight person and the thought of laziness and a lack of self-control came to mind.

This week I would like to share a story that I found on the Internet. I don’t know if the story is true or who originally wrote it, but it teaches us the importance of knowing someone’s story before passing judgment. We should know all the facts before we speak.  

A 24 year old young, man looking out a bus window shouted…
“Dad, look at all the tall buildings!”
Dad smiled and a young couple sitting nearby, 

looked at the 24 year old’s childish behavior with pity. 
Suddenly the young man looked up toward the sky and exclaimed…
“Dad, look the clouds are running with us!” T
he couple couldn’t resist and said to the old man…
“Why don’t you take your son to a good doctor?” 
The old man smiled and said…“I did and we are just coming from the hospital,
 my son was blind from birth, he just got his eyes today.”
The moral of the story is…..

Every single person on the planet has a story. Don’t judge people before you truly know them. The truth might just surprise you.

The Bible contains many Scripture verses that speak about judgment. 

John 7:24 says, 
“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.

Even if we do know someone’s story, we should be careful about judging that person. We should not gossip or bring condemnation. We should simply love them.

Matthew 7:1-5 explains
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take 
the speck out of your brother's eye."

Lord, help us to see people with Your eyes. Give us minds that do not judge and a heart of compassion for those who are lost, lonely, hurting, ashamed, or just different than us. Amen.

Written by

Storm H.

Song- What Love Really Means by JJ Heller


  1. A couple of years ago I attended a wedding that was a second marriage for both the groom and the bride. Both of them had had some difficult experiences during their earlier lives and their firat marriages. They did their first dance to this song and they sang the end of it to each other as they danced. It was beautiful and there was not a dry eye in the crowd. We are supposed to love and be loved as Jesus loves us. We all have the same cry..."Love me." It is to those around us that they can be more like Jesus.

    God bless

  2. So true. We never know what someone may have heard or seen just before we have an encounter with them. I am hoping to become a person who can spread the "Good News" and perhaps lighten the load of someone's burden. If only for a moment.
