
My Push and Pull to Pray...Monday

The first time I read the verse, "Pray without ceasing," I was puzzled over how that could even be technically possible? I mean, how can I have a conversation, do homework, teach a class, and yet pray at the same time with any coherent meaning?

As I mulled this verse over and over, I found myself trying to pray over every little thing I could see or hear. One spring day, with my house windows open, busily taking care of some household chores, I glanced out the window at a neighbor's front door, they were separating, I prayed for their hearts.  I dusted a picture of relatives and prayed for God's peace and salvation. I thought about my mother, and prayed for success on her job. I heard another neighbor arrive home, I prayed that God would reveal Himself to them. I heard a car crash a few blocks away, I prayed for the health of the passengers and asked for justice to be accomplished. Then I cried out to God. I couldn't keep up! My mind was on overload, and I felt a huge cloud of pressure, bigger than my house, even bigger than my neighborhood, weighing on me.

"Lord, there is no end to who needs to prayer. How can I do this?"

Then a quiet voice within me answered, "Pray for those I ask you to pray for." Instantly relief flooded over me. Humbly I laid down my self imposed burden and picked up the one God had for me.

It is a gift from God that we have the privilege to pray for one another. Which means it is His plan for others to pray for us, too. Whether I have to push myself to be open and share my needs for prayer with others, or lovingly pull requests from those very same people, His Word clearly tells us to pray:

"Confess to one another therefore your faults
 (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins)
 and pray [also] for one another,
 that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart].
 The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man
 makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]."
James 5:16 AMP

"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything,
 but in every circumstance and in everything,
 by prayer and petition (definite requests),
 with thanksgiving,
 continue to make your wants known to God."
Philippians 4:6 AMP

Dear Lord, thank You for all of those who faithfully pray for others. Please help me to never give up on praying for anyone who you have laid on my heart. It is my turn to pray specifically for them. Please help me to be steadfast and careful to pray over each one (see Colossians 4:2). May I keep my promise to be open and share so that others may pray for me, too. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Christian band Sanctus Real performs "Pray" 


  1. Pray without ceasing...good scripture...but do not drive yourself round the bend praying for everything that we see and hear. Listen to the calling of God to pray for the things He wants you to pray for. Good paradigm Mary...and why not as God inspired it in you.

    God bless....

  2. I found this to be very informative, Mary. God will lead us if we pay attention.

  3. I too tried unsuccessfully to do this and came to the same conclusion, Thanks for the beautiful way of putting scripture into heartfelt application. You are on my heart many times during the day and I am committed to bring your needs to my Daddy God.
