
He Will Carry Me...Tuesday


The past few days have been a bit difficult for me as the reality of my family situation was made clearer. I’m sure that I’m not the only one with family issues.  However, as I lay in bed at night, it seems like everyone else and their problems are a million miles away. I feel so alone, desperate, and afraid. I begin to pray and hope that my broken heart can somehow be healed. Only God Himself can put the pieces of my heart and my family back together.

Morning comes and of course with it, a new perspective. I sat at the kitchen table with coffee in hand, looking out my back window. I noticed a tree that is starting to develop buds. Spring is finally here! The tree that stood empty all year, appearing to have no life in it at all, will soon be sprouting leaves. Birds will build nests in its branches, people will sit under it for shade, and the wind will rustle its leaves, making the tree look as if it is dancing.

I thought about this tree for a long time. We are a lot like this tree. In Summer, the tree is busy with activity, birds are perched on its branches singing, children climbing and having fun, adults rest against its trunk, enjoying the shade on a hot afternoon. Sometimes our life seems perfect; we are busy working for the Lord, spending time with family and friends, doing what we are created to do, and just basking in the sun (SON)…. Life is good. 

In Autumn, the leaves on the tree start to turn color and eventually drop to the ground, children do not come around as often, birds don’t sing as much because they are busy preparing for winter, and adults no longer look for a shady place to rest. Life slows down and it appears that the tree is not only beginning to lose its beauty, but its usefulness as well. Sometimes people can start to feel unwanted. They wonder if God can still use them. Just as the autumn wind strips the tree of its leaves, the harshness of life can strip us from our happiness, leaving us feeling warn out and exposed to the elements (pain, loneliness, fear). 

In the Winter, the tree appears almost lifeless, empty, and its branches look more twisted and aged. When trials and tribulations hit, people oftentimes feel like the tree looks after a long, hard winter. They wonder if life will ever get better and it they will feel happiness again. They question whether God can use them in the midst of their hopelessness. 

However, spring does come and with it new life. Just like the little tree I see through my window, with buds starting to form, God restores us. He carries us through our trials and tribulations if we let Him. Our Savior can turn the most hopeless situations into something beautiful. Although it may seem impossible at times, God is in the miracle making business, turning the impossible into the very possible.

When you feel as if your world is starting to fall apart, the happiness you once felt feels more like dead leaves dropping to the ground, know that God will carry you during the hardest times, the cold, dark winter months, and bring you to a place of new beginnings. 

                               Spring will come.      

                           Hang onto this Scripture verse…      .

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19, 

Written by
Storm H.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone walks through their winters. Some are worse than others. The Godly truths about His willingness to CARRY US through the cold and frost of our pain. This is a great devotional, Storm.
