
Being Authentic With Jesus...Wednesday


I was recently reading in Psalm 109 where David literally, gut wretchingly, poured out his heart before the Lord. He held nothing back. He came before the Lord with pure authenticity.

The word authentic means not false or copied, genuine and real. David was real before His Lord because he knew he could be because of the relationship he had with God. He had a strong relationship with the Lord and a man after God's heart. He had not just one but many times where he was vulnerable and transparent and yes purely authentic before God. He knew coming to the Lord and baring his heart was safe to do so.

God's word tells us in Psalm 62:8 
"Trust in Him at all times; ye people, 
pour out your heart before him, God is a refuge for us." 

As we fully trust in Christ and literally pour out our pain, sorrow, burdens and brokenness onto Him, we find great comfort, safety and refuge.

God is calling us to be authentic before Him so we can have that greater intimacy with Him and always feel safe in His arms, today and for all eternity.

In His Great Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Being authentic is important.....a close relation to truthful. We may be able to get by even though less authentic with friends, However, since God sees us from the core outward we cannot hide with Him; we must be authentic.

    God bless...
