
"Taste and See that the Lord is Good"...Thursday


This past weekend I had the privileged to Taste and See that our Lord is sooo GOOD at a retreat with 25 beautiful women of our Precious Savior.

We sought our Lord together and separately; 
He heard us and delivered us.

We saw His love and compassion wrap 
around us like a warm blanket/

We drank from the lake of Living Water and were refreshed.

We waited upon the Lord and He renewed our Strength.

We mounted on the wings like eagles
 and we ran and were not weary.   

We walked and did not faint.

We soared with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

For in Him we Live.
For in Him we Move.
For in Him we have our being.

We are His beloved and He is ours.

O taste and see tat the LORD is good: 
blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.
Psalm 34:8

Thank you beautiful women of God


Kathryn Hansen

1 comment:

  1. This weekend was special and amazing. God blessed his daughters profoundly while we were there.

    God bless...
