
Making An Impact...Tuesday


Last Friday night I attended a meeting for our women's group at my church. It was called "Impact." There were three women there who are involved in organizations working on problems in the valley where I live. 

One had founded the Crisis Pregnancy Center which councils, and helps girls and young couples in making their decision whether to have the baby and keep it, whether to adopt it out or to have an abortion. During the pregnancy there are classes about the season they are in, and the center helps  provide things that will be needed after the birth.

Another woman there is involved in a program that helps families in crisis in dealing with whatever their crisis is. They find temporary care for the children while the parents work towards making their situations better without getting involved in the longer care situation that foster care can be.

The third woman is part of a group called City Serve. This is a group who keeps communication with non-profits as to needs of the particular non profit to help out in times of crisis. City Serve also finds volunteers for their projects. 

These women, each in her own way, were making an Impact.

At the end of the evening we all received this card...

I love the way it is worded. Not only does it end with the prormise to make an IMPACT, but also it gives how and whys of what must be done to affect the world and make it a better place.

In the Bible there are many women who have made a difference in the world. Here are just a few of them...Ruth, Naomi, Mary Magdalene, Deborah, and Rahab. One of the most famous Biblical women was Esther. Who can ever forget what was said to her by her uncle Mordecai that led her to courageously face the danger of death to save her people...

"For if you remain silent at this time
relief and deliverance for the Jews 
will arise from another place,
 but you
 and your father’s family will perish. 

And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

What about you? What about me? God has created each of us with special gifts and interests. We can make a difference. We can make an impact on our world in some unique way for which God had prepared us and exactly in the time when it is needed. It can be something big that the entire world knows about, or it can be just quietly coming alongside, speaking into people's lives and letting them see the glory of God. Are you preparing now to be ready to spend  your time to impact others?

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

The song for today is sung by Wayne Watson, "For Such a Time as This."

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