
"My Strength Comes From God"...Wednesday

4/29/14...................................................HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SANDY  

More and more each day I realize how much I rely on the Lord's strength. My own physical strength faileth but God is the strength of my heart. He is my full portion. As I call out to Him and draw close to Him He supplies the strength that I need at that time in my life. He never ceases to amaze me how He shows up for me at that appointed time. He has never let me down.

His word says...

"The Lord is my
and my song, 
and He has become 
my salvation; 
this is my God, 
and I will praise Him, 
my Father's God, 
and I will exalt Him."

Exodus 15:2 

Not only is He my strength, but He is my song and my salvation as well. I will never stop praising and exalting Him all the days of my life! His goodness never ends for His children and He so worthy of all of our praise.

In His Great Goodness, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. This is a very beautiful statement of your faith, Sandy.

    God bless....
