
"A Heart Of Generosity"...Wednesday

We have a God who overflows continuously with immense generosity. He does not withhold His generosity from His people. In Him there is no lack. In Christ there is great abundance and the Lord desires to pour out His goodness and abundance and richness upon us.
The Lord is teaching me not only is He a generous God, but in Him we too can be generous. Not only can we be generous in giving of our finances, but that can also apply to our time, our prayers our love our material resources and more. We can not do that in our own strength, but we can be generous in the strength of the Lord.

I am finding the more we are willing to be generous when He is asking us to do so, the more joy and peace and contentment I am experiencing. It works two-fold. 

In fact in His word it says in Proverbs 11:24  
"One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; 
another withholds what he should give, 
and only suffers want."
We are blessed beyond when we flow and walk out of a heart of generosity. His word says we grow richer. I sense that means growing richer in a multitude of ways, and not just financially. I truly believe the Lord will bless us with the richness of Him in every arena of our life.
As we walk uprightly with God and give freely and generously onto Him, He will pour out His richness upon us more than we could ever think or imagine!! We serve a great and generous God!!
In His Generosity, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. It is true that God gives to us generously and we should be willing to follow His example and pay it forward,

    God bless...
