
"Bride of Christ"...Thursday

Song of Solomon 2:1-4

Bride of Christ you are the Rose of Sharon 
and the Lily of the valleys.
Like a lily among thorns are you 
my love among young women.

Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest 
are you beloved among the young men.
You delight to sit in His shade and His fruit is sweet to your taste.  
Let our God lead you to the banguet hall 
and let His banner over you be LOVE.

Our God's love for His Bride is beyond amazing. He sees your beauty.  Precious bride of Christ it is the power of His love that will change you.  As the Father leads you into the banquet room take a hold of all that He has for you.  In His banquet hall is Peace, Joy, Confidence, No Fear, Strength, Healing, Prosperity, the list goes on and on.  Enter into the presence of His love.  There is no love like the love of our God.

Written by
Kathryn Hansen

1 comment:

  1. Our groom sees our beauty when we cannot even believe that we have any beauty. Such is the boundless love for us that he prepares and gives us all we need to receive in this world that will bring us to eternity where we will see him face to face. How He blesses us!

    God bless...
