

5/24 /14

"Trust in the Lord and do good; 
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture."
Psalm 37:3

     God is indeed faithful.  Every morning is new --  the sun comes up again, we enjoy our homes and families.  Most of us have all we can want and need.  The material possessions we possess and think we must have to be happy, most of the world would consider luxuries.

 God's faithfulness goes beyond our possessions.  We dwell in a wonder land called the United States of America -- with freedoms most of the world can only dream about.  We also have the freedom to speak, act, and worship as we want.  What a gift to be able to reach on the bookshelf and open God's Word anytime we want to.  In many countries people have to have Bibles smuggled into them or read them in secret for fear of persecution.

     Yes, God indeed is faithful to us.  As believers we should be thanking and praising Him every day for all we are and have.  As one hymn says: "Great is Thy faithfulness."

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. Yes, God is faithful. This does not mean that He always keeps us away from challenges and problems. However, as we go through these issues we can have faith that God is with us and uses these issues to teach and will bring them to good end if we receive the fruits of His faithfulness.

    God bless...
