
LOOSE LIPS... Sunday

Devotional for 5/25/14
Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, 
but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.  
Proverbs 13:3  NIV

On Memorial Day we pause to give thanks for the sacrifices of the lives of men and women in our armed forces who died while serving our country. There were many different causes for those deaths.  It is particularly sad when their deaths were caused by "friendly fire," or by treasonous behavior, or more subtly by careless talk.

There was a whole series of World War II posters warning about the danger of losing lives if people talked carelessly about military matters with the wrong people.  One well known poster said that loose lips might sink ships.  Another even accused the "talker" of murder.

Harsh words, but they do hold truth.  The same can be said of unbridled talk in human relationships, where gossip and unfounded rumors can destroy those bonds.  The church can also become victim of loose lips when members "air dirty laundry" in public, gossip and share rumors, or just loudly give voice to personal disagreement or dissatisfaction within the hearing of visitors.  Some may feel there is nothing wrong with them saying these things, that it is their right to express their opinion.  But the unintended consequences of this talk can be damaging beyond imagination or repair.  

Let us therefore think before we speak and strive to give God all glory and honor through our words.  Even when we have a personal issue with how something is done or not done, or who is or isn't doing what or with whom, or why something is or isn't like it used to be, etc., we should guard our words.  If we have an issue with something someone does, we should go directly to that person and speak with them in private.  Want something different to be done?  Offer to help develop it or implement it, working together instead of against one another.  Want a better pastor at church? Pray for the one you have, not that he see it your way but that God's will be done and that he be filled with the power of the Spirit.  In church matters let us set aside our personal ideas of what is right or wrong when it comes to matters of practice, not doctrinal teaching, and work together to build the kingdom of heaven in our place of worship and beyond.  

Thankfully, we have a loving and merciful God.  Even when we have "loose lips" that sink fellowships, there is forgiveness. May He help us strive to be better witnesses whenever and wherever we speak.

May the God 
who gives endurance and encouragement 
give you a spirit of unity among yourselves 
as you follow Christ Jesus, 
so that with one heart and mouth you 
may glorify the God and Father 
of our Lord Jesus Christ.  
Romans 15:5-6 (NIV) 

Romans 15:5 (50 kb)

written by 
Jan Andersen



  1. This is an important concept about which to think. Our tongues and how we use them can work wonders or can work disasters. 'which will we choose? One very important concept that is couched here is that we must go to the source. To complain to others about something that displeases us accomplishes nothing. We have been instructed in Matthew to go to the offender and try to work it out without complaining to others...to anyone who will listen. Praise God...

  2. Jan, this is beautiful.
