
Loving Me...Friday

May 9, 2014

I am at a season of my life where I am learning to live MY life.  My two sons are amazing, independent young men and suddenly, the mom doesn't know what to do with herself.  I always knew that I wanted to be a mom and I loved every second of it…..not saying it has always been easy. However, those challenging times have made me and my sons better people who come out the other side with a lesson and more life knowledge.

I anticipated the time after which my youngest graduated from high school that I would have this sense of relief, additional freedom and time to do more of the things that I would like to do for me.  The past couple of years have been an emotional struggle for me.  Yes, I did have that sense of relief, and it was a very good thing. However, the freedom is where the problem comes in.  I had loved my life as a mom so much that I forgot to be ME.  So, here I am a couple of years down the road learning to live for myself.  I am just now starting to love this life that my wonderful God has guided me to live.

Psalm 16:11
New International Version (NIV)

You make known to me
the path of life;
you will fill me with joy
in your presence,
with eternal pleasures
at your right hand

I can be so resistant to change; it has never been a favorite of mine…..in fact, I have never liked it at all. This time though, after stewing in my self-pity for long enough, God has opened my eyes to the beauty of a life filled with God and me doing the desires of my heart.  I am learning to slow down, listen and hear what He wants me to hear.

Psalm 46:10
New International Version (NIV)

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

My life sails along so much more smoothly as I slow down my brain to enjoy life.  I have spent so much rushing here and there and thinking I am getting somewhere, but in reality, I am really just rushing in a circle.

My dearest Father in Heaven, thank you so much for the amazing blessings you have given to me throughout my life.  And thank you in advance, Father for the wonderful season that I am embarking on, to intentionally slow down to be more in tune with your purpose of my life.  Guide me to see what it is that I can do to please you as I am going about living a life of purpose for you with a joyful heart and smiling face.  Amen!

Written by
Kelly Dobyns


  1. I like how you always share the inner workings of your walk with the Lord, and in the process I think you reach others who find themselves in the same situation. Well done. I hope that what He is leading you to includes writing because you are very good.

    God bless...

    1. Thank you, Beautiful Corinne!! I am so blessed that you have seen something in me that I thought was only a dream. I love the writing and sure do hope it is a big part of my future. xoxo
