
WORK OF ART...Saturday


"Before I formed  you in the womb I knew you, 
before you were born I set you apart..." 
Jeremiah 1:5a

     Your are unique.  You are very special. You are created in God's image.  You are God's gift to the world.

 Not many of us have thought about ourselves in these terms -- but they're  all true.  Most of us tend to be critical of ourselves and judgmental of what we do.  We are too fat or thin, too tall or short, we're not intelligent enough, we can't do this well or wish we could do that like so-and-so.  We certainly don't view ourselves in a favorable light of perfection.
      Yet, God does see you exactly as you are and He loves you for who you are.  He created you that way.  He gifted you to do what only you can do.  He wants you to share yourself and your talents with the world -- to serve others in His Name.
       What you are is God's gift to you.  What you do with your life is your gift to God.  Consider yourself a work of art -- and be that for other to see and appreciate.

Written by 
Carol Steficek


  1. We need to quiet the whispers and realize that God created us with beauty and set each of us apart from all eternity. We are precious in His eyes and not who others might say we are...and certainly not who we often tell ourselves that we are. Hold on to your uniqueness.

    God bless...
