
"Only God Can Satisfy"...Wednesday


Sometimes, possibly,we as Christians may expect our church body to satisfy us in the sermon from the Pastor or the Worship songs or the Sunday School Classes that are being taught. The truth is, all those are wonderful and are needed if we are to grow in the Lord. But the most important ingredient of all, is to be plugged in and connected to our Heavenly Father.

We must set aside time at the feet of Jesus worshiping Him, meditating on His Word and listening for His voice. As we plug in to the Lord we will experience His overflow of satisfaction. He is our full source of everything we need.

His word says in Psalm 16:11 

"Thou wilt shew me the path of life; 
in thy presence is fullness of joy; 
at thy right hand there are pleasures 
for evermore."

It is that intimacy with the Lord that we experience the fullness of joy and bountiful pleasures and contentment. The Body of Christ is then an extension of that growth and maturity and encouragement and strength.

Our Lord will surely show us His path of Life for us as we engage completely in Him and it is then when we will overwhelmingly experience great satisfaction in Christ.

In His Fullness of Joy, 
Sandy Billingham



  1. Why do we go to look for other things to fill the void when we know that the only One who can really satisfy us it God. I will remember that when I am thinking that some possession will make me happy that Who I really need is God.

    God bless....

  2. Great post! Seek first the Kingdom of God...I remember the song by Kari Jobe..."the more I seek You, the more I find you, the more I find you, the more I love you." Only Jesus can fill the void, only Jesus can satisfy, only Jesus should be our all in all.
