
What Can You Imagine?...Tuesday


I was speaking with someone not long ago about the movie “Heaven is for Real”. We started to talk about what Heaven will be like. The person I was conversing with said that he didn’t even know if he wanted to go to Heaven. “I think it will be boring, just standing around all day singing hallelujah”, he explained.

We all have our own ideas as to what Heaven will be like. The Bible does offer a glimpse of what to expect, but leaves much up to the imagination. There will be no more pain, no more tears, no more sickness, etc. However, Scripture also reveals that life in Heaven will definitely not be boring.

God has many wonderful surprises for us in Heaven. 

1 Corinthians 2:9 explains, 

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, 
nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man,
the things which God hath prepared for them that love him”.

It is true that we will be worshiping, but we worship God in many ways. We worship Him when we serve Him. The Scriptures mention that we will be the Lord’s servants, not just on earth, but also in Heaven. It sounds like we will have tasks to perform. However, unlike our earthly jobs, we will do whatever God asks of us willingly. Our jobs will not go unnoticed or unappreciated. To serve the Lord is a great honor. How much more of an honor will it be to serve God in His kingdom?

What do you think heaven will be like? What can you imagine? 

Just to see our Savior’s face will be awesome. Can you imagine it? What will you do when you see Jesus face to face? Will you dance, will you sing, will you bow down before Him, or will you feel bored? It kind of makes our struggles, worries, and fears seem a bit smaller when we think about life on earth being temporary. Our real home is in Heaven, a place perfect beyond imagination. 

Written by
Storm H.

1 comment:

  1. I have always been captivated by this song. There are some very interesting examples about what a person would do when in the presence of Jesus face to face. Would we fall to our knees immobilized or would we suddenly want to dance out our worship? I can only imagine.

    God bless...
