
Saddle Up...Tuesday


Have you ever felt stuck in a runt? Are you tired of the same old routine and wonder, “Is there more to life than this”? I’m sure we have all found ourselves in this place at one time or another.

 When we first ask Jesus to be Savior and Ruler of our lives, we are filled with excitement as we think about what our days will be like with Him at the helm. It’s hard to contain the joy we feel inside. Everything seems to be brighter, fresher, and more exciting. Each day provides us a new opportunity to share His goodness, mercy, and grace. We wake up with a sense of anticipation as we start the day.

However, something happens as time goes on. We get caught up in the overwhelming tasks laid out before us. Unplanned and unpleasant life events dull our view of life’s joy and suck the enthusiasm right from our very core. The anticipation we once felt seeps from our spiritual veins, leaving us feeling drained and dull. We are left wondering if the adventure we had set out to follow has come to an end. There is nothing more to see or do.

This is not what God desires for our lives. There are many Scripture verses in the Bible that will renew our enthusiasm for life and restore our feeling of anticipation for each new day. 
Psalms 8: 3-4 says, 
“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, 
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
 what is man that you are mindful of him, 
and the son of man that you care for him?

When we look at nature, we can easily see all the love and creativity that went into God’s creation. Knowing that He put everything into place for our benefit should bring us great joy. God provided us with many lovely things for our enjoyment. As beautiful as a butterfly or flower might be, it is only a taste of what Heaven will be like.

As we follow our Creator we should look at each day like a new adventure, one that leads to eternal bliss. Let’s saddle up our spiritual horses and get back on the path God has laid before each one of us. Open up God’s word and quince your thirst. Feed from the bread of life. Turn on the Christian music and allow it to speak to your soul. Go outside and look at God’s beautiful handiwork. Let every butterfly wing, velvet petal, and drop of dew capture your eye. Give yourself permission to be a child, a child of Gods. 

Today is a new day. 
Written by
Storm H.

1 comment:

  1. Saddle up indeed...suit up and get ready...there is a road to follow...to find the things that were our first love and to get back to the appreciation of the wonder of God's creation and the blessings from Him to us.

    God bless...
