
Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is.....Wednesday

As I was in prayer today I had the image of this huge butterfly before me and the word freedom came to my mind as well. I believe the Lord was showing me that the people I was praying for would soon be experiencing His freedom in their life. I sensed that He was reminding me the process that a butterfly goes through before they actually take to flight.
While the soon to be butterfly is in the chrysalis, a lot is happening. There is a great deal of transformation taking place which takes approximately 10 - 14 days as a chrysalis. Then the butterfly is ready to emerge. After the butterfly has emerged there is still steps it has to take to be a full fledged butterfly. It's wings are small and wet and the butterfly cannot yet fly. The butterfly must pump fluids from its abdomen through the veins in its wings which cause expansion to full size. Next, the wings must dry and the butterfly must exercise flight muscles before it can fly. After that, and only after that can there be complete freedom for the butterfly to take flight.
We are a lot like that butterfly in many ways. Our freedom does not come easy for us in emerging in the fullness of the freedom that the Lord has for us. We may have to walk through much transformation to attain the greatness of freedom the Lord has for us to take flight in Christ.
I am reminded of the scripture verse that the Lord desires us to walk in which can only come through having His Spirit living in us and walking closely with Jesus. He tells us... 

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom" 
2 Corinthians 3:17 

In this life we will experience many struggles and it may take a process for us to attain that freedom. But we can be assured that the end result is fresh and full freedom in our Lord, which is a beautiful place to be to exercise our spiritual wings and fly! 
In His Freedom, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Where the spirit of the Lord is...is the only place where we can find freedom!
