
Rejoice Pt. 2…Thursday

This is part two of a devotional called Rejoice. Part one was posted last Thursday...May 8. You can scroll back to it if you would like to reread it.


Did you know that Paul was in jail at the time he was telling the church to rejoice, to celebrate our God.  Paul shows us that our inner attitudes do not have to reflect our outward circumstances.  Paul was full of joy because he knew that no matter what happened to him, Jesus Christ was with him.  Our God is with us through all things he does not leave us nor forsake us.  Inward joy can always be ours because we are in the Lord.  In his presence is fullness of joy.  Indulge in him, allow him to wrap his arms around you and then celebrate what he has already done for you, what he is doing for you and thank him ahead of time for what he is going to do in your life.  Paul knew that there was nothing too difficult for our God!

FYI-- Rejoice is said 192 times in the Bible.

Now on to 5Let all men know and perceive and recognize your unselfishness (your considerateness, your forbearing spirit).

Msg says it this way   Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you're on their side, working with them and not against them

The NIV puts it this way let your gentleness be evident to all. 

Not to some but to all – not to only those who treat you nice – but to even those who are rude, angry, or treat you like scum, etc.

This word "originally indicated a thoughtful, considerate and decent outlook. Rather than hotly demanding his or her rights, whatever the cost to others, a person with this trait seeks peace in a calm way...." This word is "opposite of an angry harshness that grows out of personal pride and a dominating selfishness" (EDBW, pp. 303-304).
—Andrew Wommack's Living Commentary

This is to be shown to all men, family, customers, bosses, patients and co-workers.  If we can do this then we are fulfilling the command.  We are not to hide our light under a bed, it is to shine and to shine brightly for the kingdom of God.  We are not to be as the world.  I want to be that person that people say there is something different about her.  I want them to come up to me and say I want what you have.  I want to be a walking testimony for my God.

Is this easy, heck no.  But with the Holy Spirit living with in I can testify that he reminds us, as we start to go there. It is a gentle reminder to us the Word of God, he will say Kathryn or what ever your name is Let your gentleness be evident to all.  Then it comes down to a choice to what we are going to do.  As for me I want my answer to be yes, let my gentleness be evident to all even this one.  Did my flesh want to, oh no, but I would smile and say yes Lord and my tone would calm back down, the rudeness would go. I so love the Word of God.  I so love the Holy Spirit reminding me of what the Word says.

Written by 

Kathryn Hansen

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