

May 16, 2014

I opened my journal to write down some thoughts this morning and this is the scripture that was on the page….. 

“There is a time for everything, 
and a season for every activity under heaven...”
Ecclesiastes 3:1

This has always, always been a favorite verse of mine.  It gives me a feeling of peacefulness, a calmness and contentment.  Being a nervous and worrisome person my whole life, that has been one of the most welcome scriptures for me to read, a much needed serenity for my over thinking mind.  A lot of my life has been spent thinking I should have done a season differently, and over thought WAY too many scenarios of What if or What if I had done this instead…..etc, etc.  God willing, I will not spend this next season repeating those same worries.

As I read that scripture today it was especially meaningful to me.  I am currently focusing my prayer time and training my mind on this new season of my life.  Opening my journal and reading that scripture told me that once again, God knows what I need to see and what I need to do.  He is telling me that I am on the right track.  Having Him give me such sweet little “memos” makes my heart so happy and reassures me that my life has had such a wonderful purpose….all of my life, the challenges, the joys and the rewards He has given me thus far, have all been meant to be.  The direction that I am going now is all meant to be, also.  There is so much wonderment and love throughout all of our life.  With Jesus in our hearts and God on our side there is nothing that we can’t do.  I know I will be able to see more clearly the moments of love that are given to me from my Father above; I will now treasure each and every step of my journey, as long as I keep my focus and heart in the season that God has prepared for me.

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

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