
"Be A Generous Exhorter"...Wednesday


Sometimes we seem to think we have a license to criticize the people we encounter on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. We tend to vent freely the faults and weaknesses we see in people around us. And then we may state how we feel that person should act or what kind of decision they should have made.  At least that has been the case with me in the past.

I sense the Lord has strongly impressed upon me that not only is He not pleased with my critical behavior, but I am missing out on His anointing and blessing and peace. Whoa! Now that got my attention very quick! Not one of us would want to miss out on our Heavenly Father's blessings!

He has never called us to be a people of criticism or negativity but has called us to love, encourage and exhort one another on a daily basis. In fact, love, encouragement and exhortation are a high motivational force. Not only that, but as we walk in that place of encouragement we benefit greatly as well. We will experience less tension and more of God's peace and well being.

God's word tells us to...
"Let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word, nor unwholesome or worthless talk
 (ever) come out of your mouth; but only such speech as is good and beneficial
 to the Spiritual progress of others, as is filling to the need and the occasion, 
that it may be a blessing and give grace (God's favor) to those who hear it." 
Ephesians 4:29 
The Amplified Bible

Choose to be a generous exhorter today and watch the blessing flow forth from the heavens! 

In His Generous Exhortation,
Sandy Billingham

If you want to be able to see how best to exhort another person you can sing this song asking God for help.

1 comment:

  1. Florence Littauer wrote a book called "Silver Boxes." She was speaking in church to a group of children about this scripture. She had never allowed any negative talk at the family dinner table based on this verse. A little girl raised her hand and said that words should be as silver boxes with bows...gifts given to others by kind words we speak. I have never forgotten that little girl's analogy. Good word, Sandy.

    God bless...
