
Mercy Comes Running...Tuesday

06 02 14 

Have you ever been in a grocery store line and noticed someone who looked totally weighed down? One time I rode a bus to Boston. As we entered the city, I took notice of the look on people’s faces and their body language. Most everyone I saw out the window appeared to be carrying invisible chains. They seemed totally stressed out and bogged down. I had to wonder, did they know Jesus? Did they understand what He did for them on the Cross?

This world is full of people walking around with invisible chains. They are bound by their own sin, bad decisions, poor choices, and things of the past. As time goes by the chains become heavier, the load more difficult to bear. There is good news though. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, grace was freely given to us. What exactly is grace? Grace is unmerited favor. The Greek word used is ‘Elos’ and the Hebrew word used is ‘Hesed’ which means steadfast love.

The truth is, we were all on our way to hell, bound by our own sin. If we stood in front of a just judge and tried to defend our own sinful nature, we would surely lose the case. However, the day Jesus died, mercy did not stroll into our lives; it came running! Only the pure, untainted blood of our Savior can wash away our sins and set us free. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

James 2:13 reveals, 
“For judgment is without mercy 
to one who has shown no mercy. 
Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Ephesians 2:4-5 says,
“But God, being rich in mercy,
 because of the great love 
with which he loved us, 
even when we were dead in our trespasses, 
made us alive together with Christ
—by grace you have been saved”

As Christians we need to be sharing the truth about God’s mercy. Explain to people how they can be set free from their invisible chains.  Time is short. Let’s get busy! All over the world, may we hear the sounds of chains hitting the floor as Mercy comes running.

Written by
Storm Hendrickson

1 comment:

  1. How great is it that the Creator of the Universe comes down to us to help us when our choices have put us in chains? We should go to Him when we find ourselves in a chained up situation. Our repentance counts, but His help facilitates our entire recovery.

    God bless
