
Being Gracious...Tuesday


Sometimes when I write a devotional, a topic will easily come to mind. The words flow like a mountain stream in the spring time. Before I know it I’ve filled a page and I have to stop myself before I end up writing a novel.  Other times, I struggle with what to write about. I can sit for an hour before a topic even comes to mind. Then there are days when a thought hits me out of the blue and I know in my heart few words need to be said to get a message across. This week I experienced one of those times.

I happened to be playing around with YouTube, checking out different devotional songs, when I came across a young man who I was not familiar with until now. His name is Straalen McCallum. I believe that he is from Australia, but his ethnicity is Dutch. The name Straalen means sunbeam in Dutch, and it sure does fit him. He radiates God’s love. Although Straalen is in his late teens now, the YouTube clips I was watching and listening to showed Straalen when he was between 9-13 years of age. This young man has amazing talent and I pray he always uses it to glorify the Lord.

What I got from viewing the YouTube clips was Straalen’s gentleness. In the interview provided below he talks about the importance of grace and being gracious. He also mentions the importance of having faith, faith in yourself, faith in your family, and faith in others. The only thing I can add to that is the importance of having faith in God.

We need to be more gracious and thankful for what we have, even in the midst of our trials and tribulations. If you ever want to have a better understanding about how blessed you are, check out clips on YouTube about natural disasters, go and visit a cancer center or a homeless shelter. Perhaps you have an understanding of what it is like to lose someone to cancer or maybe you are battling cancer yourself. Maybe you've tasted what it is like to be homeless or you have survived a natural disaster. Well, thank the Lord that He walked you through it. Thank Him that He is holding your hand. Still struggling with the memories, the pain? Cry out to Jesus. As Straalen McCallum sings, “Sometimes a prayer will do”.

1 John 5: 14 says,
And this is the confidence that we have toward him, 
that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.”

I believe that simply by watching this young man sing, you will receive something that will inspire you, bless you, and speak to you in some way. 

Please, take the time to look at all the links provided.

Written by
Storm Hendrickson

Straalen talks about his album

1 comment:

  1. This young man certainly is talented and could use his gifts to work for the Lord. I agree and pray that he will continue in this calling. The last YouTube entry was in 2013. I hope that he is still about his Father's work.

    God bless...
