
"Soar With Gratitude In Your Hearts"...Wednesday


                                            Let Him take you to deeper places with Him!

It says in Psalm 100:4

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name."

Having a grateful heart plays a major role in entering into the Lord's presence. The Lord is ecstatic when His people come to Him with open arms and huge hearts of gratitude. Praise, singing and gladness are also an extremely important part of entering into His throne room.

It truly is amazing when we begin to thank our Lord from the depths of our hearts for all that He has given us and the sacrifice He made for us. Our hearts swell and are overcome with God's all-consuming love for us as we enter into His glorious presence.

I encourage you every day that you would soar with gratitude in your heart like never before and let Him take you to deeper places with Him!

In His Outrageous Love,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. God has given us much for which to be grateful. Our salvation is the utmost important thing that we need to show gratitude about. Every day if we pay attention there is something to elicit our gratitude. What an amazing God we serve who also serves us as well.!

    God bless
