


"The world and its desires 
pass away, 
but the man who does 
the will of God 
lives forever." 
I John 2:17

The one attribute Jesus displayed which was evident to everyone was His obedience to the Father.  Jesus did not come to do His own will but to fulfill what His Father wanted of Him.

 Jesus' entire life was one of caring for others, loving everyone as the Father does (unconditionally), always putting others ahead of His own wants and desires, staying in communication with the Father through prayer, and fellowshipping with others in the temple to worship.

     A story was told about Alexander the Great calling a soldier in to see him who was noted to be a coward.  The soldier was named after Alexander.  The soldier was told to change his ways or change his name. 

     How many of us call ourselves "Christians" after Jesus Christ but are anything but Christ-like in our attitudes and the way we live our lives.  Maybe we should think about doing the will of God and following Jesus' example. We need to walk in His steps.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. To be more Christ like we must be willing to do the will of God as He did. We should do this to the best of our ability. Sometimes as in the song it is menial tasks of our lives that we do with God in mind and do them joyfully.

    God bless...
